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The Offing

A distant mirror, the horizon and the sea. 
Heavens kiss their reflection at the edge of existence. 
Clouds lazily lounging, sail into the great Expanse. 
Stars rise and dance upon the waves;
	Fire in the moonlight.
The moon high; 
	Locked in time with its aqueous doppelgänger.
Ecstasy is the velvet night that caresses me.
The Milky Way melting into its dark reflection below. 
The night sky reaching toward oblivion. 
Waves lap lovingly at my toes.

I yearn for that place that vanishes yet stretches toward eternity. 
I longingly gaze as if into the maw of God. 
I drift among the waves as a strand of sea grass;
	Swaying softly within the womb of the Sea.
Direction has reached extinction. 
Worry flees.
Liberated by compassion. 
We are one.  
Spaciousness filling emptiness with joy.  
I am seen.   


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