Pink Lemonade

I see you in the sunset;
picnic tables and pink lemonade.
Time stretching toward eternity like a summer’s day.

I feel you in the moonbeams extending out from among the stars;
The wind whispers of your kiss against my cheek.
I hear you, like a heartbeat, in each peal of thunder.
Rumbling like the grief from which I am formed.

I see you as an after image, your face superimposed on my grief.
I cry for him but also for you. For the one that comes after.
For the ones that came before.
A loneliness wedged deep within my soul stirs.

A knowing.

A missing.

One heartbeat, One heartbreak away from you.

I see you in the sunset;
With the grass between my toes and rain falling upon my face;
I miss you.

For all the unsaid things, the hidden words that cracked and faulterd.
I’m sorry.

For the pain inflicted with intention and without.
Forgive me.
As I forgive you.

I see you in the sunset;
pink lemonade and moonbeams.
Time stretching toward eternity like a summer’s day.

I’m not only crying for him. I’m crying for the one who comes after;

These tears also belong to you.


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