Category: Adventures with Andy

  • Drinks with Andy

  • TW: Near-death experiences, trauma exposure, questionable parenting, sensitive stories about my family When therapists have asked me, “Have you ever almost died?” I have to ask… “Which time?”. I believe in luck and magic mainly because, by all rights, I should be dead. So this is kind of a story about that. But also a…

  • Harnessing the Healing Power of Sunlight: A Guided Visualization

    In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s essential to find moments of balance and recharge our inner selves. One powerful way to achieve this is through the practice of visualization. In this post, I’ll take you on a guided journey to fill yourself with light and radiant energy. 1. Find a Quiet…

  • Who am I? Who was I? Who will I be? I seated myself in a new therapist’s office. Expecting once again to be asked to spill out my trauma on the floor for someone to gawk at and then say “I hope that helped” and be expected to sweep it all back up and go…

  • First Attempted Hike to the Royal Arch

    Part of my excitement about moving to Colorado is for my favorite activity! Hiking new trails! So I decided to make a plan on Friday to head out to Chautauqua Park. Of course my Sunday morning there were some concerns. Mostly because of cute kitten cuddles. It’s really hard to get out of bed when…